PK65 Section Roller With 3 x Drive Rollers & Hydraulic Top Roll - Vertical & Horizontal Operation

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PK65 Section Roller With 3 x Drive Rollers & Hydraulic Top Roll - Vertical & Horizontal Operation : $11,850 AUD ($13,035 Inc. GST)
SM-PK65 Section& Pipe Roller. Steelmaster Heavy Duty Vertical Operation. Hydraulic Top Roll, Gui
Rolls, 65mm Shaft Dia. Hardened Universal Tooling, Foot Pedal Operation & E Stops, CE, 2.2Kw, V
Our new European designed & engineered range of STEELMASTER PK series section rollers will cover your complete rolling requirements
Vertical and horizontal operation and powerful Volt drive.
All three rollers are driven for improved performance
New hydraulic down feed adjustment on top roller.
?vertical & horizontal operation
?hydraulic top roll operation with Digital Display
?heavy duty steel fabricated frame
?calibrated setting on top roller with measuring scale.
?3 x driven rollers, 1 x top, 2 x bottom
?hardened and ground drive shafts
?adjustable side support guide rolls
?roving foot pedal control with forward/reverse
?standard flat & angle rolls are included
?heavy 65mm drive shaft.
?CE compliant
?*Round Tube Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 100 x 2mm / 1200mm (Optional Tooling Available)
?*Round Tube Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 60 x 2mm / 600mm (Optional Tooling Available)
?Flat Bar Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 120 x 25mm / 1000mm (Additional spacer tooling required)
?Flat Bar Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 50 x 10mm / 500mm (Additional spacer tooling required)
?Flat Bar on Edge Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 50 x 10mm / 400mm (Additional spacer tooling required)
?Square & *Round Bar Solid Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 50 x 50mm / 800mm (Optional Tooling Available)
?Square Tube Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 70 x 70 x 3mm / 1200mm (Additional spacer tooling required)
?Square Tube Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 80 x 40 x 3mm / 1200mm (Additional spacer tooling required)
?Angle Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 70 x 70 x 6mm / 600mm (Optional Tooling Available)
?Angle Capacity (Size / Min. Radius) 50 x 50 x 6mm / 400mm
?Spindle Speed - 9.3 r/min
?Motor Power, 2.25kW / 3hp – V
?Weight (Nett) 850kg
?Packing Size: 1250mm x 1150mm x mm
Note: * = Requires Additional Tooling
Please Quote Stock Code: 23-0607 on this model
Optional Round Tooling
?23+0047 – 32.6mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0036 – 38.1mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0026 – 40.2mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0042 – 42.3mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0041 – 48.3mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0027 – 51mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0037 – 60.3mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0038 – 63.5mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0039 – 76.3mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
?23+0040 – 102mm Round Set 3 Hardened Formers
Other Models in stock PK10, PK35VH, PK50VH, SR76
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Steelmaster Metalworking Manual Section – Ring Rolling Machine.
When looking for a quality Metalworking Ring / Section Rolling Machine, look no further than Steelmaster Industrial. Steelmaster Industrial’s Metalworking Ring / Section Rolling Machines offer the Sheetmetal worker a very high quality machine with superb features and tight tolerances at reasonable prices. Steelmaster carries over 4 models of Metalworking Ring / Section Rolling Machines in stock at all times for quick shipments. Steelmaster Industrial’s ever growing line of Metalworking Ring / Section Rolling Machine consists of manual & motorized, along with a large range of accessories. Depending on your needs we have the model for you, starting with our cost effective manual machine to our large motorized models.
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Motorized Metalworking Ring / Section Rolling Machine
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Please contact us for more information.
Asset Plant & Machinery - Steelmaster Machinery
118 Logis Boulevard Dandenong South VIC 3175