Industrial Built 240Volt Universal Milling Machine With ISO40 Spindle & 3 Axis Digital Read Out

DANDENONG SOUTH, VIC - Delivers Nationally
$14,850 AUD

($16,335 Inc. GST)

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Industrial Built 240Volt Universal Milling Machine With ISO40 Spindle & 3 Axis Digital Read Out :      $14,850 AUD ($16,335 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
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    SM-MGH757Z. Universal Mill Steelmaster 240Volt. Gear Head Drive with Easson 3 Axis Digital Readout 2 Axis Power Feed, 1200mm X 240mm Large Table, LED Light. 240V 1.8Kw

    At last! A Universal Milling Machine With The Lot! – X,Y & Z Axis Power Feeds! Huge Tee-Slotted 240mm x 1200mm table. It has all the features that larger mills have like power table feeds and a long quill travel with power feed with a calibrated stop adjuster. The very heavy castings and large slide surfaces will give incredible performance and stability. And with the turret type head, its capacities are quite large. All this combined with the flexibility of a Horizontal Arbour and strong 240Volt operation makes this your best partner. Shop around, won't find this kind of value in a mill of this type and size.

    ? compact and practical milling machine manufactured from vibration dampening cast iron
    ? swivelling head to 90°& table to 45°
    ? 40 ISO horizontal and vertical spindles are hardened and ground
    ? precision-machined dovetail slide ways and table
    ? forward and reverse on/off switch
    ? fine hand wheel operated quill feed
    ? two arbours for the horizontal spindle.
    ? calibrated hand wheels fitted on all movement directions
    ? height adjustment of work table through ergonomically designed crank handle. all 3 axis are fitted with clamping devices
    ? 2 axis power table feeds
    ? 3 axis DRO fitted
    ? 240 Volt x 15 Amp operation

    Technical Data - Snap Shot
    ?table size - 1200mm x 240mm
    ?vertical speeds - 100 ~ 2000 (Variable)
    ?horizontal speeds - 40 ~ 1300 (12)
    ?spindle fixture - ISO 40
    ?motor capacity – 1.8Kw motors (2 off)
    ?crate - 1520mm x 1420mm x 2250mm H
    ?approx weight: 1150kg
    ?same machine builder at Grizzly model G0757Z

    ? 3 Axis digital readout system
    ? X & Y Axis power-feeds
    ? safety cutter guard
    ? swarf tray
    ? coolant system
    ? drill chuck & arbor
    ? 2 x horizontal arbors
    ? 2 x NT40 (ISO 40) to 2 & 3MT adaptors
    ? NEW LED lamp

    Recommended Add On Accessories
    ?13+0114 - Machine Vice Swivel Base - 160mm Jaw Width. 125mm Jaw Opening.
    ?13+0127 - Industrial Series Clamping Kit - 58 Piece - 16mm T-Slot, M14 Thread.
    ?13+0148 – ISO40 Collet Set - 15 Piece Quick Change System.
    ?13+0021 - ISO40 ~ MT3 Adaptor
    ?13+0022 - ISO40 ~ MT4 Adaptor
    ?13+0153 - End Mill & Slot Drill Set: 20 Piece 2 & 4 Flute. Quality Cutters.
    ?13+0550 – Indexable Square Shoulder Mill - Positive Approach - 80mm
    ?13+0561 – Face Mill Arbor – ISO40 x 27mm.
    ?13+0167 - Boring Head Set – ISO40, 50mm Cutter Dia. 10 Piece Set Complete with Shank.
    ?13+0182 – Rotary Table. 160mm Table Diameter. 2MT, Horizontal Set Up.
    ?13+0063 - Semi Universal Dividing Head BS-1, Comes With 6" with 160mm 3 jaw Chuck.
    ?50+0121 - Measuring Tool Set. 5 Piece, Vernier, Micrometer, Square, Depth Gauge & Steel Edge.
    ?15+0187 - Coolant Mineral Based XDP-1000 5Lt Drum Metalium - Soluble - 20:1 Mix
    ?30+0116 - PM-55 Pivoted Mounts. 160mm Diameter, M16 x 120mm Stud Size, 800Kg Per Unit Load Capacity.

    Please contact us for more information.

    Asset Plant & Machinery - Steelmaster Machinery
    118 Logis Boulevard Dandenong South VIC 317

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