H-400 Double Column Bandsaw. STEELMASTER.430mm Round Square Capacity, 1000mm Infeed Table

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H-400 Double Column Bandsaw. STEELMASTER.430mm Round Square Capacity, 1000mm Infeed Table : $28,850 AUD ($31,735 Inc. GST)
Our twin column series combines a modern machine tool design with our manufacturers extensive experience in efficient, cost effective cutting of large work pieces.
Our semi auto, dual column, horizontal ensures reliable performance and high precision due to it's design and structure.
This is your partner in machinery for processing of all heavy metal cutting.
? large double columns precision ground for additional suppor
? Hydraulic blade tension
? Roller bearing and hydraulically clamped carbide blade guide system
? Variable blade speed controlled by inverter
? Gear box
? Precision feed pressure & feed rate dual valve system
? centralized control panel
? Adjustment base
? Work light
? Power blade cleaning brush
? Roller table, 1M long
? One piece saw blade
? coolant system
? CE compliance
? tool kit
Technical Data
?430mm round capacity
?430mm x 600mm SHS capacity.
?hydraulic vice clamp & release, auto beam return
?speed range: 28 ~ 80 m/min
?beam return - auto
?working height - 665mm
?in feed table: Yes
?in feed - manual
?blade size : 5750 x 41 x 1.3mm
?dimensions: 3150mm x 1300mm x 1700mm
?weight: 3700Kg
Optional Items
?hydraulic bundle clamping
?additional heavy duty infeed rollers
Recommended Add On Accessories
?5750 x 41 x 1.3 - 4/6 Vari -Tooth Rontgen German Quality Bandsaw Blade.
?15+0057 - Gravity Roller Conveyor Kit. 360mm x 3000mm. Complete with Adjustable Height Legs
?15+0287 - Heavy Duty Roller Assembly 520mm Wide Complete with Bearing and Housing Assemblies - Sold Each
?11+0707 – Alfra Rotabest - Magnetic Swarf Remover
?15+0187 - Coolant Mineral Based XDP-1000 5Lt Drum Metalium - Soluble - 20:1 Mix
Please contact us for more information.
Asset Plant & Machinery - Steelmaster Machinery
118 Logis Boulevard Dandenong South VIC 3175