3" Exhaust Bender With Host Of Tooling"

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3" Exhaust Bender With Host Of Tooling" : $17,850 AUD ($19,635 Inc. GST)
Price: $17850+GST
Introducing Our New Steelmaster 6001 Metalworking Tube & Pipe Exhaust Bender.
Exhaust Tube & Pipe Metalworking Bender. SM-6001 - 3`` Capacity complete with a Comprehensive Tooling Package.
**Taiwanese manufactured**
Exhaust Bender Package
The SM-6001 Bender is Steelmaster's exhaust bender, designed to introduce you to Steelmaster quality while showing you the incredible profit potential. The SM-6001 can bend up to 3`` tubing and includes a built-in swager/expander for complete end-finishing. The popular SM-6001 package includes all the tooling shown, ready to bend up to 3`` tubing, expand up to 3`` tube, and perform multiple endforming applications.
The heavy duty swager/expander gives you complete end finishing capabilities. The swager end accommodates 1” to 3” tubing.
•Foot pedal Control
•Manual Depth-of-Bend Indicator
•60,000 lbs of bending power
•Heavy Duty Swager/Expander
•Front Swivel Casters w/Brakes
Tooling Included As Follows:
Imperial Sizes Only Specified.
4 Sizes of bending Dies, 1-1/2`` , 1-5/8``, 2.0``,2-12``.
5 Sizes of Back Shoe Sets, 1-1/2``,1-5/8``, 1-3/4``, 2.0``, 2-1/2``.
5 Sizes of Half Shoes 1-1/2``,1-5/8``, 1-3/4``, 2.0``, 2-1/2``.
5 Sizes of Bend Plugs 1-1/2``,1-5/8``, 1-3/4``, 2.0``, 2-1/2``.
3 Sizes of Reducing Tools 1-3/4``, 1-7/8``, 2.0``.
5 Sizes of Expander Dies 1-1/2``,1-5/8``, 1-3/4``, 2.0``, 2-1/2``
5 Sizes of Segmented Expander Sets 1-1/2``,1-5/8``, 1-3/4``, 2.0``, 2-1/2``.
1 Segment Expander Arbor.
1 Rotation Gauge.
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At Asset Plant, we also offer a wide selection of Metalworking Machinery which can be found online at
Steelmaster Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machine.
When looking for a quality Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machine, look no further than Steelmaster Industrial. Steelmaster Industrial's Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machines offer the Sheetmetal worker a very high-quality machine with superb features and tight tolerances at reasonable prices. Steelmaster carries over 6 models of Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machines in stock at all times for quick shipments. Steelmaster Industrial's ever-growing line of Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machines consists of manual & motorized, electric, digital and also mandrel bending machines as well along with a large range of tooling & accessories. Depending on your needs we have the model for you.
Manual Operated Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machines
With several models to choose from can quickly identify which model gives the best ``bang for the buck`` of any of the Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machines.
Motorized Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machines
Steelmaster Industrial offers one of the best selections of Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machines around. From our simple motorized SM-6001 with 4 sets of formers up to 2-1/2`` , our SM-UNI40 and also NEW SM-UNI70 through to our Bailiegh range of USA manufactured draw benders to full CNC3 Mandrel Benders. Our Metalworking Tube & Pipe Bending Machines have been fitted up to offer you the best selection of features and come standard with safety e stops to ensure all round safe operation along with a wide range of tooling to suit all applications.
Please contact us for more information.
Asset Plant & Machinery - Steelmaster Machinery
118 Logis Boulevard Dandenong South VIC 3175