2020 Model 70Ton Straight Sided Hydraulic Press with Safety Laser Guards

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2020 Model 70Ton Straight Sided Hydraulic Press with Safety Laser Guards : $29,850 AUD ($32,835 Inc. GST)
Late Model - Save approx. $$$$$ on new.
SM-KP70. Hydraulic Press. 70Ton Capacity Heavy Duty Industrial Hydraulic Type, Single Cylinder,
Guided, 500mm Ram Stroke, 900mm Frame Width, Fixed Slotted Bed, Adjustable Limit Switches. V.
Our NEW Steelmaster Industrial H Frame Presses offer Solutions for Pressing, Bending, Punching & Moulding.
A Powerful Hydraulic Cylinder & Two Side Guides Ensure Precise & Uniform Feed of the Ram During Pressing Applications.
Top Ram Plate, Along with Large Fixed Bottom Worktable with T-Slots for tool Clamping.
Fitted With Adjustable Limit Switches For Top and Bottom Settings.
?70 ~ 500 ton force models available
?strong hydraulic cylinder ensures uniform and precise pressing during operation
?ideal for pressing, bending, punching & molding
?fixed T-Slotted bottom bed for tool and job clamping
?two speed operation, rapid & working speed.
?extremely torsion proof steel welded frame
?hydraulic pressure gauge fitted
?foot pedal operation option.
?CE standard and safety E stops and standard.
Technical Snapshot
?capacity - 70Ton
?frame width distance - 900mm
?stroke length - 500mm
?open height - 500mm
?bottom bolster size - 800mm x 580mm - tee slotted
?top bolster size - 590mm x 360mm - tee slotted
?approach speed - 19.1mm / sec.
?working speed - 4.8mm / sec
?return speed - 26.4mm / sec
?power - 3.0kw / Volt
?dimensions - 1600mm x 800mm x 2250mm x 1100kg
?We also offer OH&S Front Safety Laser Guards as Pictured To Ensure Safe Workplace Please Quote Product Code: 27+0006
Please contact us for more information.
Asset Plant & Machinery - Steelmaster Machinery
118 Logis Boulevard Dandenong South VIC 3175